Patek Phillipe's Supercomplication

Manufacturer: Patek Phillipe

Price: $ 11 million

The company's expertise is not only measured the number of years spent in her business, but also its achievements, so after hours Supercomplication house Patek Phillipe can be called truly famous supereksklyuzivnym and popular. 1932 was the brightest period in the company's history, since it was in that year by order of Henry Graves, who was a well-known New York banker and collector of expensive watches, created the most technically complicated watch in the world. Orders are carried out for five years, but it was worth it! The result of hours of hard work were composed of 900 parts, the body of which was made of 18-karat gold and silvered dial has become a real work of art. Twenty-four different additional features of these watches have made them the most difficult technically. One of the most interesting innovations is the night sky in the dial, which has the same form as that of the window Graves family residence in New York, now you can wear on your wrist with a piece of the universe stars in the Milky Way. Function display the exact time of sunset and sunrise in New York TAKE is an outstanding innovation.