201-carat Chopard

Manufacturer: Chopard

Price: $ 25 million

The most expensive watches today are the hours by the makers of the famous brand Chopard. In the watch came together centuries-old traditions of watchmaking and jewelry, but because they are not only a tool to determine the time, but also highly artistic decoration. Wristlet watch, released on the eve of 2008 became the embodiment of extravagance and extraordinary thinking watchmakers. His multi-million worth those hours must mount diamond, located on a small dial, hidden in the center of the watch. The three main jewelry made ​​in the form of three hearts and red, white and blue, weighing 38 carats. The total weight of all the stones, which are encrusted watch - 200 carats. But this does not make a mountain of diamonds hours shouting and inelegant, the producers managed to keep their sophistication and style inherent to the brand.